methodical competence, pedagogical conditions, pre-school institution.Abstract
Summary. The article deals with competence as one of the important components of educators’ professional activity. The increase of formation’s level of the present competence involves the development and implementation of a pedagogical model for development of the instructors’ methodical competence. It has been specified that the development of a truly efficient pedagogical model required the study of the true formedness level of educators’ methodical competence. Two groups of pedagogical conditions were distinguished for the development of methodical competence of the educator in the course of his pedagogical activity: organizational: creation of a stimulated environment, containing a mass media sphere, supply of materials and machinery, aimed at the mastering of modern educational technology by educators; implementation of differentiated complete methodological support of the educator’s professional activity; structuring of the process for skill enhancement by the school teachers, established subject to compliance with the initial level of their competence, by means of creating an individual route, participation in online communities, strengthening the role of efficiency monitoring during the skill enhancement of educators; personal: development of a value-based attitude towards the pedagogical activity, established on grounds of integrating the educator’s personal position and his own general cultural psychological-andpedagogical, methodological and methodical attainments, actualization of his individual experience; inclusion of an educator into active creative interaction within the systems “educator – child”, “educator – educator”, “educator – educator-methodologist (or another person providing support of methodical activity in the educational institution)”, “educator-parents” on grounds of “subjectsubject” relations; self-reflection of pedagogical actions at different stages of activity (self-analysis and self-evaluation). The determined pedagogical conditions are expected to represent an aggregate of educational and material-and dimensional environment, as one of the pedagogical system’s components; the mentioned environment influences personal and procedural aspects of the system, ensures its efficient functioning and amplification.
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