aesthetic intelligence, music teacher, vocal training.Abstract
Summary. The article reveals the essence of the concept of "aesthetic intelligence", characterizes its components, analyzes the ways of the formation of aesthetic intelligence in future music teachers during their professional vocal training, determines the potential of vocal art in the development of the student's aesthetic consciousness, the formation of the ability to perceive the surrounding reality through prism of beauty. Aesthetic intelligence is considered as the ability to understand, interpret and express feelings caused by a certain object and experience, as the ability to perceive and interpret feelings obtained as a result of interaction with objects of reality, the ability to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of objects and phenomena during the interaction of intellectual and emotional sphere of personality. The importance of the development of aesthetic intelligence in the future teacher-musician is determined, which will contribute to the growth of his productive professional and pedagogical activity, the formation of readiness to satisfy the cultural, aesthetic, and intellectual needs of students in the course of their musical and aesthetic development. The development of aesthetic sensitivity, the ability to identify and deeply understand the aesthetic experiences that arise during the perception of a work of art, the ability to esthetically articulate impressions from the perception of a vocal work, the deepening of the aesthetic consciousness of the individual, the formation of aesthetic empathy of the future teacher. The development of aesthetic intelligence is facilitated by the stimulation of the emotional perception of works of musical art, the formation of the ability to translate received impressions into aesthetic experiences. An important factor in the development of the aesthetic intelligence of a music teacher is the development of the ability to interpret the results of the work of various sensory spheres during the perception and performance of vocal works, turning them into aesthetic impressions.
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