parenthood, youth, family values.Abstract
Summary. The article is devoted to the main trends and transformations taking place in the institution of the family against the background of changes in the traditional notion of marriage. The definition of the concept of "fatherhood" of different authors is given. It is considered in terms of various scientific approaches that reveal the complex structure of the organization of the phenomenon of parenthood: systemic and phenomenological. There are a number of criteria according to which it is possible to determine the extent to which an individual is ready for parenthood. The problem of conscious parenting is raised, the conclusions on the results of the research devoted to this question are described. A research project involving surveys (questionnaires) of respondents aged 18–35 was devoted to the study of the family values of young people, their life goals, attitudes to starting a family and having children. As a result of the survey, it turned out that the main value of the young generation, according to more than half of respondents, is an emotional, rich life. In addition, young respondents called materially secure life and development, self-improvement, actual values. According to the respondents, the least relevant value for young people was to start their own family and have children. Perhaps this is due to the fact that for the younger generation of respondents this value is not yet relevant, because they are really busy working on other areas of life, and for the middle generation of respondents this value is irrelevant, because many of them have created their own family. and gave birth to children. The study identified the positive and negative aspects of parenthood through the eyes of respondents. The key conditions necessary for respondents to decide to become a parent have been clarified. These results allow us to confirm the opinion that respondents are aware of the difficulties that may arise with the advent of the child.
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