



innovation, educational institution, applicant, mentor, mentor, training, technology, teacher.


Summary. In the article the authors specified the methodological and procedural aspects of mentoring. The authors identified the relevance of the use of mentoring in the professional development of a teacher-innovator. The methodological basis of mentoring in the formation of subject-methodical competence of a teacher-innovator is highlighted in the article: humanistic, transparent participatory, emergent, praxeological, neological approaches. Based on the analysis of the professional standard for the profession “Teacher of general secondary education” characterized subject-methodological competence of teachers as a set of abilities to master and use in professional activities a system of scientific and methodological knowledge, skills in a particular subject area, ability to conduct classes effectively. The article identifies groups of mentor competencies that can be used by the teacher-innovator: organizational (planning the personal progress of the ment, time audit, coordination of the team / environment of the ment); psychological (activation of internal motivation of the ment, development of self-awareness, identification of strengths and weaknesses of the ment, critical thinking and ability to accurately assess the benefits and risks), partnerships (ability to provide support they need, enjoy helping others, enthusiasm, expertise in a particular field). The conditions of success of the teacher-mentor are presented, namely: lack of prejudices and evaluative judgments, willingness and ability to spend time, concise available rules of communication, deadline for key tasks, trust, respect, demanding love, undeniable faith in the cop, focus on success, psychoemotional stability, the ability to learn from mistakes and go beyond the stereotypes of the learning process. The authors reveal the perspectives of the mentor’s methodological tools: web of goals and expectations, SMART-goals scale, Edward de Bono’s technology of six hats, brainstorming, GROW model, active listening technology, epistolary genre didactic resources, matching procedures, elements of Walt Disney’s methodology, technology, steam engine principle, live textbook, handbook.


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How to Cite

VOROZHBIT-HORBATIUK, V., ZELENSKA, L., & KARASOVA, O. (2024). POSSIBILITIES OF MENTORING IN THE FORMATION OF SUBJECT-METHODICAL COMPETENCE OF TEACHER-INNOVATOR. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (45), 21–26. https://doi.org/10.24919/2413-2039.13/45.3