philosophical and psychological foundations, pedagogical outlook, humanization of consciousness, pedagogical training, value orientations, content of education, future teacher.Abstract
Summary. The article discovers the main philosophical and psychological principles of pedagogical outlook formation in future teachers, which emphasize recognition of the process of human consciousness humanization as a basis for the formation of one’s value orientations, expansion of one’s spiritual world, ensuring connection with the national character and national traditions. Based on the analysis of the modern content of higher education, which corresponds to the social tasks and European standards, the personality-oriented approach to student education and upbringing, the article characterizes changes in the qualitative construction of this content, which allow to implement the basic guidelines of future specialists pedagogical training, which will necessarily affect their pedagogical consciousness, upholding their own views and beliefs, independence of the decisions made. The article substantiates tendencies of the development of this issue (qualitative construction of this process, an integral approach to studying pedagogical phenomena and processes, mastering morality through transition to the idealistic Christian system of values, recognition of priority of the moral, necessity for moral virtues practice), which concern also positive motivation of humanization of pedagogical education, its personality orientation and definition of humanization as self-humanization. It is the pedagogical worldview of each student that helps to create conditions for self-actualization (full use of one’s abilities, capabilities, personal talents, the ability to be free) and self-fulfilment of students as future professionals. Philosophical and psychological principles of the issue concerning the development of the future teacher pedagogical worldview, which allow to embody the main guidelines of teacher pedagogical training, emphasize the recognition of the process of humanization of human consciousness as the basis for the formation of one’s values, expanding one’s spiritual world, ensuring its connection with nationality and national traditions, etc. It is proved that they are formed in one’s mind due to the revealed features of the child’s spiritual development in the family, the accumulation of spiritual potential of young people and adults’ awareness of the Christian principles of their upbringing.
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