talent; gifted students; institutions of higher education; Ukraine.Abstract
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the national and foreign research on talents in general and the talents of university students in par-ticular; the concept of “talent” have been substantiated; the semantic content of the leading concepts of the problem outlined. The features, types, functions and qualities of a gifted personality have been highlighted and systematized. Psychological and pedagogical approaches to the process of development of gifted students have been analyzed and the results of the study of the develop-ment of gifted students in higher education institutions are presented. The content, forms and methods of work with gifted students in higher education institutions of Ukraine have been researched and determined. The social conditions for solving the problems of personal social self-realization and professional self-determination of gifted students in the new socio-economic conditions are characterized. The types of social work are revealed, which are aimed at promoting the identification and development of natural talents of young people at the professional level, as well as targeted support of each gifted person and further development of the abilities and talents of an individual, his/her successful creative self-realization. On the basis of the research the development of components of students’ talents has been revealed and the forms of work with student determined which promote development of abilities to the greatest extent. Emphasis is placed on the fact that there is a need to develop a comprehensive methodology for diag-nosing giftedness, including determining the level of general personal abilities, intelligence and creativity, as well as motivation, which is reflected in numerous publications of domestic and foreign scholars.
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