



productive educational activities; non-linguistic specialties; educational technologies; educational process; professional communicative competence; independent activity; natural language environment.


The article deals with the problem facing modern higher education – the training of a new generation of specialists. To solve this problem higher edu-cation in Belarus should become more functional and advanced in its essence as well as focus on innovative scientific and technological progress. The concept of a competitive specialist with professional communicative competence is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the formation of foreign language professional discursive competence which is an integral part of intercultural communicative competence. Examples of the organization of teaching foreign professional communication based on modern methods and techniques, such as an educa-tional project, visual aids, and working with text, are given. It should be noted that the idea of forming a professional of a new gene-ration comes out of the Bologna Declaration, according to which the joint prin-ciples of the European University Network were developed. In this regard, the European framework for the qualification of higher education is a regulatory mechanism that largely determines the social and economic development of the modern society. Thus, there is no doubt that in the modern super-dynamic world, Belarusian higher education should become more functional, guided by innovative scientific and technological progress and international educational standards. It should be emphasized that the tasks of the formation of a pan-European edu-cational environment are being solved in the context of the competency-based approach, which determines an optimal understanding of the content of qualifi-cations of specialists at the levels of professional training. This approach involves the formation of a set of basic competencies of a university graduate which define both his/her professionally oriented abilities and worldview concepts. We believe that the uniqueness of the competency-based approach lies in the fact that it makes possible modeling an integrated learning process. In our opinion a certain integrity of innovatively directed professionally active functions of a specialist, the analysis of which should be comprehensive, can serve as the basis for modeling the competency-based characteristics of a non-linguistic profile specialist of a new generation.


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How to Cite

MAKSIMUK, L., & LEVONYUK, L. (2024). TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFESSIONAL DISCOURSE TO STUDENTS OF NON-LINGUISTIC PROFILES IN BELARUS. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (43), 63–74. https://doi.org/10.24919/2413-2039.11/43.220447