academic integrity; plagiarism; academic plagiarism; self-plagiarism; educational process; Ukraine.Abstract
The article examines such violations of academic integrity as “academic plagiarism” and “self-plagiarism”. Since the concept of “academic integrity” etymologically consists of two words “academic” and “integrity”, it makes it an ethical and scientific concept, and such types of violations of academic integrity as academic plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fabrication, falsification, deception, bribery refer it to the legal category. The concept of the “academic integrity” is associated with the scientific integrity, including the teaching integrity, and correlates to some extent with the intellectual ownership. The observance of academic integrity by scholars and educators refers not only to the moral prin-ciples and protection of the interests of others, but also to the honor and dignity of a person who adheres to the principles of academic integrity and contributes to the formation of his/her business reputation in science and education. The relationship between the concepts of “plagiarism” and “academic plagiarism” has been elucidated. The understanding of the concept of “pla-giarism” contained in the Law of Ukraine “On Copyright and Related Rights” is significantly narrower than the understanding of the academic plagiarism in the laws on education. At the same time, the scope of the concept of “plagiarism” is much wider than the scope of the concept of “academic plagiarism”. Academic plagiarism is limited to objects, a range of subjects and the scope. The charac-teristic features of the legislative definition of the concept of “academic plagiarism” are highlighted, which together form the legal structure of the academic pla-giarism. It has been found that the concept of “self-plagiarism”, reflected in the Law of Ukraine “On Education”, is of English origin and first appeared in the United States as student slang. No regulatory enactment of foreign countries contains the concept of “self-plagiarism”, it is newly introduced in the national legislation and has already caused a lot of discussion among scholars. The necessity of introducing the concept of “self-plagiarism” into the na-tional legislation is substantiated. The need to consolidate the concept of “self-plagiarism” was caused by a deep crisis of academic integrity in the scientific and educational environment. Self-plagiarism reduces the trust in scientific results, misleads scientists who use the work with self-plagiarism and contributes to an unjustified increase in research results, which affects the competitiveness of scientists in obtaining financial support for research, employment, etc. It has been determined that adding information to that in the previous scientific research is not always self-plagiarism. A re-evaluation of previously published data may be justified by technological advancements, new scientific developments, the emergence of new scientific theories, etc. When improving one’s previous work, it is necessary to distinguish between the old and the new data and clearly define the relevance of their use.
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