V. Vernadsky; noosphere; noospheric attitude; science; spiri-tuality; universally developed personality.Abstract
Nowadays, the humanity faces serious problems and challenges, including environmental problems resulting from debilitating and environmentally unsafe economic activities. At present, much of the world’s population suffers from a shortage of drinking water. A polluted environment affects the health of the world’s population. And humanity itself is constantly on the verge of disasters: food shortage, environmental catastrophes, etc. In such difficult conditions, people must reinterpret the consequences of their economic activities and take responsibility for all living things that inhabit the planet Earth. This was emphasized by a great thinker of the late nineteenth – early twentieth century V. Vernadsky. One must be aware of the need for changes in worldview. And this, in turn, poses new challenges to modern education, which should form the noospheric attitude of each individual. The purpose of the article is to highlight the views of Vladimir Vernadsky on education and upbringing. The great thinker’s views on the education of an individual are considered in the context of the development of the noosphere as a stage in the evolution of the biosphere, a decisive factor in the development of which is the intelligent human activity. It has been proven that the improvement of people's lives can occur due to the growth of scientific knowledge. For this purpose, it is important to change the education system, and constantly improve and increase its role and importance. It must envision not only certain information, the amount of which is constantly increasing, but also the values, among which a special importance is attached to the basic ones, i.e. spirituality, morality, humanism. The ideas of V. Vernadsky, relevant for modern education, are highlighted. Because, according to the thinker, in the noosphere, the role of humanity is growing, which should be a decisive factor in the development and preservation of the biosphere, the scientist stood on the position of the need for a universal development of each individual. The value attitude to the human being, which is pervasive in the works of V. Vernadsky, encourages the search for educational tools that would allow the pupils to feel competent participants in the educational process, which would take into account their needs and interests. It is proved that in the process of education the noospheric attitude of a person should be formed. An analysis of V. Vernadsky’s legacy revealed that a person with a developed noospheric attitude is a multifaceted personality, a creator, a humanist, a democrat who supports the ideals of brotherhood and freedom.
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