іmage; pedagogical image; professional image; professional competences of teacher.Abstract
The article studies the problem of the image as a presentation of university teacher. The categorical apparatus of the research and scientific works, where the problem of the teacher’s image is discussed, are analyzed. The role of personal qualities in forming the professional image is determined. Emphasis is placed on the requirements for educators put forward by the modern society. The importance of creating an image, constantly improving oneself in order to meet the requirements of the society is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the emergence of such new scientific trends as the professional imageology, pedagogical imageology, etc., which study the problem of a professional’s image, which makes it possible to study the main aspects of this problem, reflected in scientific works. The article states that the image and self-presentation of a teacher play an important role not only in the professional activity and the formation of professional culture, but also in achieving success in the professional career. The elements of formation of the teacher’s pedagogical image as the main criterion of professional success in teaching are characterized. It is emphasized that the perception of the teacher’s image has changed over the last decades, and what was previously considered inadmissible is commonplace now. Therefore, both the personal image and pedagogical image and requirements for them have changed significantly. It is accentuated that the image of the whole higher education institution will depend on the level of professional image of teachers ‒ professional competence, scientific innovations knowledge, the newest methods, information and communication technologies, elements of external and internal techniques. The importance of the psychology of clothing, which considers the appearance as multidimensional information about the person, is a significant factor for creating pedagogical image. The peculiarities and components of the image are analyzed, the factors and regularities of the image formation as a presentation of the university teacher are studied.
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