


social education; boarding schools; methods of education; legislative framework; historical and pedagogical research; social and educational work.


The article puts forward the authors’ periodisation of children’s social education in Ukrainian boarding schools in 1956 – the early XXI century, justified by findings of the legislative environment analysis of boarding schools activities, the establishment of various types of boarding schools and the dynamics of educational work with children as well as transformations of the content and methodology of children’s social education in accordance with the needs of society and the sociocultural condition of Ukraine in different historical times. The authors raise the problem of studying the content of children’s social education, forms, methods and means of its implementation in Ukrainian boarding schools in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. They propose their comparative analysis and sum up the leading trends underpinning educational activities and affecting their content. It has been proved that the prevailing ideology, trends, forms and methods of children’s education typical of the Soviet period contributed the most to the formation of their life competencies in boarding schools. Also, it has been studied how the crisis phenomena in the economic, socio-political and socio-cultural development of the country in the post-Soviet period, having caused a growing demand for residential institutions, led to their inability to adequately satisfy educational and social needs of their pupils. The article explicates the level of legislative support of children’s social education since the moment boarding schools were first opened in Ukraine and during their operation over the next half century. It has been found out that the vector of educational transformations in Ukraine turned towards recognizing each child’s interests and special needs as a top priority. It has been emphasized that despite an unquestionable recognition of the societal value of personal rights and freedoms, especially amid current deinstitutional changes, the socio-pedagogical problem of mass perception of boarding schools as an acceptable form of child care and education remains topical.


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How to Cite

SLIUSARENKO, N., & SULTANOVA, N. (2025). PERIODISATION OF CHILDREN’S SOCIAL EDUCATION IN UKRAINIAN BOARDING SCHOOLS (1956 – the early XXI century). Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (41), 50–63.