


cooperation; social assistance; local environment; Poland.


The subject of the analysis of this article is cooperation between institutions in the social assistance sector. Undertaking cooperation also offers many possibilities, but it is also burdened with many barriers. As research shows, cooperation between social welfare institutions and other entities leaves much to be desired. The article presents a Model of cooperation for rural communes developed within the Leaders of Cooperation project implemented under the Knowledge, Education and Development Program implemented as part of the European Social Fund for 2014– 2020 financed by the Ministry of Family Labor and Social Policy. Establishing a co-operation model for rural communes is such that effective assistance work depends on three factors: the severity of the problems of people, families in the commune, poviat, local resources (infrastructure, institutions/entities, specialists) and the design of the support system. The system of cooperation between authorities, social assistance and integration institutions, sector entities is to run on the vertical level (voivodship ‒ poviat ‒ commune) and on the horizontal level (between institutions in poviats and communes). The cooperation model is based on building a cooperation system at each level and appointing a cooperation leader. At the voivodship level, the co-ordinator of the cooperation is to be the Regional Social Policy Center, and on its behalf appointed coordinator-advisor, at the poviat level the institution responsible for coordinating cooperation is to be the Poviat Family Assistance Center, and on its behalf, the animator responsible for cooperation between entities and at the level municipalities, the institution organizing community activities will be the Municipal Center for Social Welfare. The role of the leader at the lowest level is to be played by the GOPS animator, which should be a social worker. Each of these institutions has specific tasks in the cooperation process. In order for employees to cope with tasks and emerging difficulties, a support system for employees and families involved in cooperation through various forms of education (training, supervision, coaching, study trips) was additionally introduced in the cooperation model. Throughout the implementation of the Cooperation Model, an evaluation will be carried out to improve the model in terms of the guidelines observed in practice, to control the quality (effectiveness) of the activities carried out, strengthen the accountability and strengthen the partnership.


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How to Cite

KANIOS, A. (2025). INTERENTITY COOPERATION IN THE SOCIAL WELFARE SECTOR IN POLAND (2014–2020): CHANCES AND LIMITATIONS. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (41), 64–76.