professional training; professional readiness; information competence of a teacher; distant learning; organizational and pedagogical conditions.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of teachers’ readiness formation to use the information technologies and distant learning. The research focuses on teachers working in schools who have completed vocational education for at least ten years ago as well as have already got some teaching experience and plan to develop their teaching career. The article analyzes the research works of Ukrainian scientists concerning the essence of the concept of readiness and the components that determine it. In particular, the notion of teacher’s readiness to conduct a professional activity, which has been used throughout the research, was defined as following: «teacher’s professional readiness» is a complex, multicomponent concept that requires a certain formation process throughout the professional activity of a teacher. The readiness or ability of a teacher to perceive various innovations in the professional activity is formed by external and internal factors, which, ideally, should be harmoniously combined and complement each other. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of teachers’ readiness to use information technologies and distant learning in their professional training have been formulated and substantiated, namely: the availability of the state professional standard of a teacher, which determines the teacher’s informational competence according to his/her education and position; a steady motivation to use information technologies in the professional activities; the creation of an appropriate technical support on the teacher’s workplace; the availability of an information learning environment and sufficient technical equipment and software in the educational institution; system of teachers professional training concerning the use of information technologies and distant learning in the educational process; professional freedom to choose forms, methods, technologies and teaching tools; adequate financial support for the use of information technologies and the introduction of distant learning in the educational institution. The prospects for further scientific research on the defined problem are the following: analysis of the current state of the regulatory and legal framework of Ukraine that regulates the informatization and implementation of information technologies and distant learning in Ukrainian educational institutions; analysis of the reasons for the inhibition of the distant learning introduction in the educational process of Ukrainian institutions of secondary education; the study of the current state of content and the organization of professional development of school teachers’ information competence in institutions of postgraduate education.
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