



preschool children; basic component of preschool education; «Child in society» content line; education; inclusion; health.


In today’s reality, the problem of familiarizing preschoolers with social environment, which is extremely complex and diverse, is actualized. Analysis of the basic component of preschool education allows us to make a conclusion that the tasks of preschool establishments are to teach children to differentiate people by degree of affinity, by age, gender, nationality and social status. However, an important aspect of familiarizing preschoolers with society is overlooked: familiari zing children with those who have certain peculiarities of development, which is extremely important in the context of an inclusive educational space. Therefore, the purpose of the paper is to uncover the ways of familiarizing preschoolers with the «Child in Society» content line in modern conditions. The article states that the necessary and important condition for the development of each society is the provision of the right to education for all citizens, including those with special needs. In democratic countries, this right is realized through the provision of different forms of education to such people. Extremely relevant and productive among these forms is inclination. The research analyzes the main features and normative basis of inclusive education. The emphasis is on the principles that should be the basis for working with preschoolers, and which should serve as a guide for the educator in selecting the content of preschoolers’ acquaintance with the specifics and problems of people with disabilities. These, in particular, include: respect for the inherent dignity of a person, their personal autonomy, in particular the freedom to make their own choice; non-discrimination; respect for the particularities of people with disabilities and their acceptance as a component of human diversity and of humanity; equality of opportunity, etc. The tasks of a preschool educational institution in the direction of familiarization with social environment in the conditions of creation of inclusive educational space are determined. Such work must be systemic and implemented in several directions. For example, it is advisable to introduce preschoolers to the peculiarities of perceiving the environment by people with certain functional limitations in order to develop moral and ethical qualities (compassion, empathy, charity, mutual assistance, etc.), to form a notion of health as a value of human life, as well as to educate a sense of responsibility for health, both their own and of other people. Such work should be done purposefully, relying on emotional experience of the child. It should be integrated into classes from different sections of the program of training, upbringing and development of preschoolers, and implemented in various forms of work with the use of visibility.


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How to Cite

NEVMERZHYTSKA, O. (2025). FAMILIARIZING PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH THE «CHILD IN SOCIETY» EDUCATIONAL PROFILE IN MODERN REALITIES. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (40), 105–115. https://doi.org/10.24919/2413-2039.8/40.164418