national education, Hutsul region, Hutsul studies, educational movement, schooling, educational process, regional ethnographic component, educational institutions.Abstract
Summary. The article highlights the processes of formation and development of school education in the Hutsul ethnographic region of the Ukrainian Carpathians during the 18th – 20th centuries, that is, from the time of Polish and Austrian occupation to the declaration of Ukraineʼs independence in 1991. It is emphasized that school education in the Hutsul region during the studied period, as well as in the whole of Western Ukraine, was under special control of the colonizing authorities. This was explained by the importance of schooling in preserving the linguistic identity and national selfaffirmation of Ukrainians in this region, the struggle for national and political freedom. The periodization of the development of schooling in the Hutsul region is characterized in terms of modern scientific research on the history of the educational movement in Western Ukraine. The contribution of scientists of higher education institutions and research institutions of the Carpathian region to the development of pedagogical Hutsul studies is revealed. The article examines in historical retrospect the peculiarities of the development of education, the formation of a network of secondary and vocational schools, gymnasiums in all three parts of the Hutsul region – Galicia, Bukovyna, and Transcarpathia. The appearance of the first parish and state schools in the Hutsul region at the end of the 18th century, the opening of the first professional schools at the end of the 19th century is highlighted. Attention is drawn to the importance of establishing a system of national education during the Western Ukrainian Peopleʼs Republic, the difficulties in obtaining education for Hutsul children in the interwar period and during World War II, and the situation of education in the Hutsul region during the Soviet regime. It is emphasized that the last two centuries were characterized by the struggle for the development of national education in the Hutsul region, the emergence of Hutsul studies as a field of research, and the emergence of a bright cohort of teachers who defended the rights of Hutsuls to their native school in difficult conditions. It is concluded that the active civic position of Hutsul teachers on the eve of Ukraineʼs independence significantly contributed to the formation of the awareness of the need to fight for an independent united state among the inhabitants of the region.
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