vocational training; vocational education; reformation; Western Ukraine; education; knowledge; skills.Abstract
The article describes the model of development of modern vocational education, peculiarities of the design of the educational process for the preparation of specialists of the workers’ professions of modern Ukraine in the context of training specialists in Western Ukraine of the interwar period for professional activity. Three reasons for reforming the education system with the aim of increasing its efficiency have been identified: humanistic, geopolitical and strategic. And the result of the work of an educational institution in modern conditions should be a reorientation of the educational process towards students obtaining key competencies. The need for a person to acquire a certain professional qualification, which will determine his or her place in society, the main component of vocational education is vocational training as a set of special knowledge, skills and abilities, qualities, work experience and behavioural norms that ensure the possibility of successful work in a particular profession. A positive result can be achieved through the introduction of a dual system of education, but this form can be used only by those institutions that have relevant specialties and are enterprises of the relevant direction. The first steps of higher educational institutions of the Western region of Ukraine for the development of a modern vocational education system based on higher education institutions thanks to the Erasmus+ project «Improving teacher education for applied learning in the field of vocational education (ITE-VET)» are shown, taking into account the training of specialists in various industries, especially for rural areas, in accordance with the needs of the labour market and the abilities of the future employee in Western Ukraine of the interwar period. The activity of educational and public organizations on the arrangement of various professional courses, which gave participants theoretical and practical knowledge from all areas of the household and cooperation, was analyzed. Also in the period under review, almost all Western Ukrainian lands opened vocational schools, depending on the needs of the locality in specialists, where cooperation, state law, Ukrainian language and literature, history, and geography were necessarily studied. A complex of qualities of a future specialist was selected, which would allow him, taking into account the labour market, his own capabilities and needs, to effectively compete and realize his potential, and for a university, this approach to organizing its own activities means the need to find and implement technology or technologies that would ensure a future specialist existence in terms of personal and social development goals.
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