professional competence, qualification characteristics, pe-dagogical activities, forms of methodological work.Abstract
Abstract. The profession of the pedagogue means transforming and managing simultaneously. In order to manage the process of individual deve-lopment, it is necessary to be competent. The notion of professional compe-tence of a pedagogue expresses unity of his/her theoretical and practical rea-diness to the integral structure of a personality and describes his/her profes-sionalism. Content of professional competence of a pedagogue of one or another major is determined by qualification characteristics. It constitutes a normative model of a pedagogue’s competence, reflecting theoretically substantiated pro-fessional knowledge, abilities and skills. A qualification characteristic is, in fact, a compilation of generic requirements to a pedagogue at the level of his/ her theoretical and practical experience. By conditional separation of profes-sional competence from other personal transformations we mean that acqu-isition of knowledge is not a goal in itself but a very important condition for production of «knowledge in action», i.e. abilities and skills as a main criterion of a professional readiness. Understanding the essence of pedagogical abilities makes it possible to comprehend their internal structure, i.e. an in-terdependent connection between actions (components of abilities) as relati-vely individual personal abilities. Professional competence of a pedagogue is a complex and faceted pro-cess based on not only general pedagogical principles, but on modern requ-irements to the training of a young specialist. In modern researches, terms «methodological competency» and «me-thodological competence» are often used as synonymous. Methodological competence of teachers in preschool educational insti-tutions is an integral multilevel professional meaningful characterization of the teacher’s personality and activities, which is based on effective profes-sional experience; it displays the system level of functioning for methodo-logical, teaching and research knowledge, skills, experience, motivation, abi-lities and readiness to the creative fulfillment in scientific, methodological and pedagogical activity in general, provides the best combination of professional practices in teaching activity. The structure of the competence of the specialist involves experience (knowledge, skills), orientation (needs, values, motives and ideals) and quality (ability to synergetic manifestations, adaptation, scaling and interpretation, self-development, integration, transfer of knowledge from one branch to another). The structure of methodical competence as the result of the training of future educators of pre-school institutions is due to its components being the key, basic, special and partly professional competencies, each of which has a cognitive, activity and personal aspect. As a result, professional competence of a pedagogue can be presented as unity of his/her theoretical and practical readiness.
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