child sciences, pedology, improvement of education, science and education, pedagogy.Abstract
Summary. The article is devoted to the problem of the development of sciences of child in Ukraine in the first third of the 20th century and analysis of factors (social, scientific, ideological, political) that caused the attention of scientists to this process. It is emphasized that the diversification of the areas of child research was determined at first (until the mid-20s) by democratic transformations in education, Ukrainization, and the opportunity to organize educational institutions. For this, it was necessary to explain the peculiarities of the child's development at different age stages, which led to the exchange of ideas and opinions, the use of foreign experience and the integration of knowledge. Charitable societies, public organizations, and the strengthening of the women's movement contributed to the improvement of education. It has been proven that the rapid development of science and industry influenced the possibilities of studying the child's essence. The postulates of philosophy, sociology, pedagogy have changed, the characteristics of the child were analyzed through the prism of physiology and reflexology. Pedology dealt with the problems of social conditioning of human behavior and the study of the childhood period, providing practical recommendations on the organization of education. Sciences about the child acquired a subjective character, scientists promoted respect for the individual, calling for an understanding of his inner world. It is emphasized that the Soviet authorities gradually ideologized the study of the child, the attention of scientists was transferred to the study of the children's collective and social environment. And in the 30s of the XX century. the methods of free education began to be sharply criticized, education and science underwent unification, the achievements of pedology were exposed and denied. Unfortunately, the difficult circumstances of the life of the Ukrainian population, oppression, and the consequences of the war were reflected in the state of the population. Diseases, homelessness, and neglect negatively affected the physical, mental health, and emotional well-being of children. Such problems could not be solved quickly and stopped the diversity of sciences about the child.
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