



internationalization, higher education, quality of higher education, international cooperation, European educational space.


Summary. In the context of globalization and European integration processes, the internationalization of higher education in Ukraine is of particular importance, being a leading factor in improving the quality of education, training competitive specialists, and developing the country’s scientific potential. Before the war in Ukraine, a positive dynamic of higher education internationalization was observed. Cooperation with foreign universities is expanding, joint educational programs and projects are being implemented. Challenges include insufficient funding, the need to adapt European standards and quality assurance practices to the Ukrainian context, taking into account national features and traditions, and the language barrier. Limited financial resources make it difficult to implement innovative approaches and technologies, participate in international programs and projects. Insufficient proficiency in foreign languages hinders communication and cooperation with foreign colleagues, as well as access to international sources of information. The internationalization of higher pedagogical education is a strategic priority for Ukraine. It contributes to improving the quality of education, training competitive professionals, and developing the country’s scientific potential. The leading trends reflecting the directions and challenges faced by the higher education system in Ukraine are revealed. The focus is on the prospects for Ukrainian pedagogical higher education institutions. This is an opportunity to attract additional financial resources, improve the quality of education, train specialists who meet the demands of the modern labor market, and strengthen Ukraine’s international image, expanding student and faculty exchange programs, creating conditions for internships abroad, developing and implementing joint educational programs with foreign universities that meet the needs of the labor market, participating in international research projects, and more. The implementation of the proposed measures will allow Ukraine to take its rightful place in the global educational space and ensure the sustainable development of society.


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How to Cite

LEVKOVYCH, V., & LEVYTSKYI, O. (2024). FEATURES OF HIGHER EDUCATION INTERNATIONALIZATION IN UKRAINE. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (51), 58–65. https://doi.org/10.24919/2413-2039.19/51.7