speech development, expressiveness of speech, fairy tale, methods of working with fairy tales, creative speech activity, older preschool children.Abstract
Summary. The article analyzes the essence of the concept of «expressiveness of speech» as a complex of its signs, connotatively determined lexical units that reflect the speaker’s inner state, personal experiences, characteristic features, emotions, and feelings. The close connection between the expressiveness of speech and its imagery, vividness, and emotionality is emphasized. The article emphasizes the significant role of fairy tales in activating and enriching the speech of older preschoolers with expressive vocabulary. It highlights the importance of correctly understanding fairy tale tropes, metaphors, words with figurative meanings, and idioms. This is crucial not only for the aesthetic appreciation of a literary work but also for enriching children’s vocabulary with emotionally expressive language and developing their ability to skillfully and comprehensively recreate the depicted image, appreciating its aesthetic beauty. The article characterizes the main methods of working with fairy tales, including storytelling, discussions based on fairy tales, retelling fairy tales, independent creation of fairy tales by children, inventing new episodes, beginnings, or endings to stories, introducing new characters into fairy tales, virtual dialogues with literary characters, creating descriptive riddles, writing letters; drawing based on fairy tales; selecting music for fairy tales, associating music with specific plots; theatrical games, dramatizations, and staging of fairy tales; and plot-based games based on fairy tales. The pedagogical conditions for effectively enriching and activating the speech of older preschoolers with expressive vocabulary through fairy tales have been identified. These conditions include: an interesting and engaging plot; vivid depiction of characters; dynamic portrayal of fairy tale events; accessibility and clarity of language used in the fairy tale (common vocabulary, vivid epithets, comparisons, metaphors, repetitions, dialogues, direct speech, etc.); the ability to identify the means of artistic expression that give perception a conscious and emotional character; and the interconnection of educational-speech, theatrical, musical, visual-speech, and speech-game activities for children.
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