safety culture, professional activity, professional training, occupational safety and health engineer, predictive modeling, predictive directions.Abstract
Summary. The article is devoted to the problem of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in future occupational safety and health engineers. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the prospects of formation of the culture of safety of professional activity in higher education institutions. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is international and domestic legal documents: the International Labor Organization Convention on Safety and Health at Work and the Working Environment, the United Nations General Assembly Resolution “Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, The Concept of reforming the management system of labor protection in Ukraine, the National Strategy in the field of human rights, the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, as well as international standards in quality management, health and safety management, environmental management. Theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the definition of “predictive modeling”, its methods and stages was conducted. The author substantiates promising areas for solving this problem at three levels: national, regional, and the level of higher education institutions. The main predictive directions at the national level are the development and improvement of the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of safety culture, financial support of scientific and pedagogical teams to promote safety culture; at the regional level it is proposed to raise awareness and inform the public about the culture of safety, implementation of European standards of occupational safety, foreign experience in the field of labor protection and safety culture at work; at the level of higher education institutions it is envisaged to create in higher education institutions a modern safe educational environment with a priority of occupational safety and health through the introduction of innovative technologies and teaching methods. The conclusion is made about the necessity of further researches of theoretical and methodical bases of development of the culture of safety of professional activity in occupational safety and health engineers, bases of formation, development and education of value orientations of future occupational safety and health engineers in the system of continuous education.
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