innovation, education system, innovative pedagogical technologies, open education model, autonomy of educational institutions, transformation, modernization.Abstract
Summary. This article analyzes the current state of the Ukrainian educational system and defines the tasks for its further modernization on the basis of normative documents (the Law of Ukraine “On General Secondary Education”, “New Ukrainian School. Conceptual Framework for the Reform of the Secondary School”, the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education). The need to transform the teacher’s role from a single information source to a coach, facilitator, tutor, moderator, and active use of innovative technologies in the educational process in the context of ensuring the development and formation of an educational leader's personality is emphasized. Attention is focused on the necessity of introducing innovative forms and methods of organizing the educational process, especially for solving the differences between the expectations of the state, the society concerning the training of educational specialists and the real state of affairs. The analysis of types of pedagogical technologies is carried out, the stages of implementation of teaching – adaptation, mobility and research – are identified and analyzed. The thesis about the expediency of using the open educational model when introducing innovations into the educational system is presented, because the peculiarities associated with it (including the use of specialized technologies, economic efficiency, depth, modularity, parallelism, asynchrony, the new role of the teacher and educational teacher, etc.) will contribute to a quick response to changes in the socio-economic situation, adaptation to individual and group educational needs and requests. The main tasks formulated for the teachers of Western Europe were analyzed and the author’s view of the priority tasks for the human-centered reorientation of Ukrainian educational system in general with an emphasis on the pluralization of the educational organization forms was stated. The article examines the autonomy of educational institutions – financial, managerial, pedagogical. It is noted that the management of innovative processes in the education system must be focused on ensuring the autonomy of the educational sector with its own mechanisms of financing, management, functioning and development. Concrete propositions on the improvement of the management system of innovation processes in the Ukrainian educational system are developed, the conclusion about the necessity of transition from the use of pedagogical methods by teachers to the use of pedagogical technologies is made.
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