distance learning, internal motivation, external motivation, information technologies.Abstract
Summary. The article deals with the main ways to increase the motivation of students to learn a foreign language with the help of remote technologies. The global Covid19 pandemic has completely changed the established way of life of society. Education is one of the areas that has undergone global changes. And the main task was just to introduce innovative technologies that would help to establish the educational process, but the issue of students’ motivation in distance learning appeared. The issue of developing students' motivation is of primary importance today, because motivation is a force that influences the formation of individual behavior, directs its activities and actions to motivational objects, controls the implementation of intentions, promotes the choice of new techniques and strategies for motivation. The article notes the importance of motivation in learning a foreign language in the context of distance learning with the help of modern information technologies. The concept of "distance learning" has been defined, which provides for the integration of information and pedagogical technologies that ensure the interaction of a teacher and a student, as well as the productivity of the educational process. Internal and external motivation has been determined to be the key in the study of languages. Internal motivation brings you satisfaction while completing the assignment. External motivation is caused by external factors, such as meeting the teacher's expectations or a good grade. Modern information technologies have been analyzed: programs and applications used in the educational process to increase the level of motivation of students in learning foreign languages. The importance of a teacher in this process has been indicated as well as their ability to organize the educational process, to create a positive and friendly atmosphere of communication in the educational environment. The list of applications that can be used in the class in order to increase the level of students' motivation to foreign language learning has been singled out.
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