Master’s degree translators’ training; Master’s degree in translation; professional competence of translator; higher education; translation.Abstract
The article presents an analysis of the system of professional training of future translators in Canadian universities at Master’s degree level. It has been studied that Canadian higher education institutions that train future Masters of Translation are characterized by two types of programs: sectoral and genre. It has been determined that sectoral programs comprise Master’s programs of training interpreters, translators and terminologists. Genre specialization involves the choice of program in the following fields: commercial translation, medical translation, economic translation, literary translation, court translation, legal translation. The basic principles of training programs for future masters of translation have been generalized (professional orientation, flexibility and variability, free choice of academic disciplines, dominance of practical training, compliance with the requirements of the profession and the labor market). Methods, forms and means of teaching of future Masters of Translation have been analyzed. The types and features of the organization of practice have been investigated. The system of monitoring the quality assurance of educational services, namely the certification and accreditation of educational programs and their criteria has been studied. A comparative analysis of the systems of training future Masters of Translation in the universities of Canada and Ukraine has been conducted. According to the analysis their differences have been high-lighted and the progressive ideas of the foreign experience have been proposed to be implemented in Ukrainian higher education. The results of the study have been summarized in the form of a system that contains goal, content, procedural and monitoring components.
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