regionalism; educational process; institutions of higher education; region; globalization; education system; world development; Ukraine.Abstract
The article considers the problems of regionalization of the educational process in higher education institutions and ways to solve them, since at present the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of regional edu-cational systems and the conceptual and terminological apparatus related to this issue are still insufficiently established. In recent years, research on glo-balization in various fields has become increasingly popular. This trend is not surprising given the historical depth and source complexity of the phenomenon of global integration. One of such separate spheres of globalization became the globalization of education. Such research works have become especially relevant in the sphere of higher education, as the latter has undergone the most obvious changes under the influence of modern requirements. In addition to the diversity of scientific views on the phenomenon of glo-balization in education, there is also the problem of different response to adverse conditions within individual educational structures in different countries and regions. Globalization has had an impact on the social reforms of nation states, to which the education sectors are forced to adapt in the new global environment, characterized by flexibility, diversity, an increased competition and unpredic-table variability. Understanding the impact of globalization on the educational process in higher education institutions is important for any policy maker, reformer and educational leader in particular. Due to the fact that higher education is visible in global market relations, it trains managers and technologists of global business; carries out the main growth of student mobility on a global scale, which contributes to business research and business rapprochement of nations, etc. Thus, we consider educa-tional regionalism as various forms of socio-cultural and political self-identifi-cation of territorial communities, which manifest themselves in ideas, attitudes, actions and intentions aimed at preserving the identity of the region or increa-sing its status in the state educational system.
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