



quality of medical education; system of professional training; future doctors; curriculum; German.


The article analyzes the level of future doctors’ training in Germany, which is based on a scientific basis and guarantees quality of medical professionals’ preparation. It is substantiated that medical education is the necessary foun-dation for the medical profession in an environment characterized by rapid scientific progress. Awareness of the impossibility of optimal implementation of certain areas of improvement in the system of professional training for future doctors in the context of traditional curricula, despite their updating in accor-dance with new legislation, offers a review of development and parallel imple-mentation of experimental curricula by the federal state. It has been emphasized the substa

ntiation of the purposes of reforms and expected results of qualitative improvement of medical education, regulation of possibilities under transition from experimental to traditional curriculum taking into account requirements of postgraduate education, enrollment of quantitative and qualitative indicators of preparation of students, objective estimations of efficiency of curricula in the process of testing and implementation of the final results. Medical qualifications include both the formation of skills and abilities in the field of scientific research and the training of personnel for teaching and scientific research. The teaching staff provides the academic process for basic subjects and clinical disciplines and the teaching of subjects for the clinical cycle is provided by full-time teachers. High-quality specialist training must meet the standards of higher education, academic requirements, and the constitutional right to health care.


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How to Cite

FEDCHYSHYN, N. (2024). QUALITY OF HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION IN GERMANY: REALITIES AND PECULIARITIES. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (43), 103–114. https://doi.org/10.24919/2413-2039.11/43.220471