case technology; case method; case study; educational potential; contextual learning.Abstract
The article reveals some aspects of the scientific and methodological support of the application of case technology in the educational process: approaches to the disclosure of the definitions of ‘case technology’, ‘case-method’ and ‘case study’ based on the analysis of the views of foreign and national scientists, general and distinctive features of the various methods making up the case technology. It is marked that case technology comprises an assembly of methods: case method, case study, situational analysis method, incident method, business situations analysis, etc. (authors treat a ‘task situation’ as the key common feature for all the case methods, that is subjected to detailed analysis from the position of either problem determination or grounding of its optimal or possible decisions); their employment in the educational process meets the principal criteria of the technology – science based algorithm (law congruence) and results achievement assurance. Special attention is paid to stating the difference between the two most wide spread approaches – case method and case study. The analysis of the approaches to the cases classification (by purpose of use, by the amount of source data and the nature of work with information, by type of analysis), that specify the peculiarities of cases development and their effective application fields, may be especially interesting for educational practice. In the article the educational potential of the technology is justified, that lies in strengthening of the practical orientation of the professional training of preservice teachers (because of contextual learning realization), in significant rise in the educational process productivity preconditioned by the essential case features and their possibilities for the development of the professional and universal competences. One of the important aspects of the scientific and methodological support of the case technology is the specifics of its use: the content of activity at each stage, the place of the case technology in the system of studies.
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