


ethnic tolerance; tolerance; student; ethnic identity; ethnic group.


The article studies the relationship between ethnic tolerance and certain personality traits. It stresses the importance of ethnic tolerance in the system of modern education specifying the problems that prevent and hinder its formation in the students. Especially today, the problem of tolerance and ethnic tolerance has become one of the central problems of both global and national character. Therefore, the relevance of this problem is determined by the strengthening of multicultural contacts between the students and the need for their harmonization, insufficient study of this issue in psychology in general, and the fragmentation of the study of ethnic tolerance in pedagogical and developmental psychology, in particular. An important condition for studying the mechanisms of harmonious multicultural communication is defining clear boundaries between ethnic tolerance as recognition of other cultures and values and ethnic identity as a clear awareness of belonging to an ethnic group. University students are especially sensitive to the issue of ethnic tolerance. In the process of learning, the student acquires the initial skills of professional and also social communication, assimilates both documented and unwritten rules and rules that are adopted in a particular professional community, that is, mastering the fundamentals of a culture of tolerant behavior, tolerant personality. The results of the study of the relationship between ethnic tolerance and personality characteristics testify to significant indicators of positive correlation between levels of ethnic tolerance and the motivation to achieve success, communicative, conceptual thinking and positively-formed communicative guidance; significant indicators of negative correlations are established between levels of ethnic tolerance and depression, shyness, motivation to avoid failures. The author identifies practical ways and gives recommendations for the formation of the students’ ethnic tolerance. A key aspect of studying ethnic tolerance is its interrelation with positive ethnic identity. Therefore, the normalized awareness of the personality as a member of a particular ethnic group leads to a respectful attitude to others. Despite the fact that, to a large extent, ethnic tolerance is conditioned by the personal characteristics of the student’s image, the conditions of social macro- and microenvironment, which regulate the tolerant attitude to others, are of great significance. In our opinion, among such conditions, the legal regulation of ethnic tolerance, which is enshrined in the laws of this country, plays an essential role.


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How to Cite

CZEPIL, M., & REVT, A. (2025). INTERACTION OF ETHNIC TOLERANCE AND CERTAIN PERSONALITY TRAITS. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (40), 68–80.