professional language personality; professionally oriented educational language environment; modern computer technologies; innovative methods; professional discourse.Abstract
The article deals with the actual problem of the formation of a professional language personality in the process of foreign languages teaching at a non-linguistic University. The concept of professional language personality, its multilevel structure, as well as the role played in its formation by a professionally oriented educational language environment created in foreign language classes using modern computer technologies and innovative educational techniques are considered. Special attention is paid to the use of a professionally oriented approach to the formation of a language personality. This approach contributes to the formation of students’ ability to communicate in real professional, business, scientific fields and specific situations. The specificity of a professionally oriented approach in teaching foreign languages lies in the fact that the development of the language personality of a student occurs primarily through immersion in the sphere of professional knowledge, through the features of his future profession, in other words, the familiarization of the language personality with the professional sphere begins starting from his familiarization with professional discourse. Professional discourse is a set of oral and written texts generated by the language personality of a specialist in foreign professional communication. The creation of a vocationally oriented educational environment in teaching a foreign language is considered as the main factor in the formation of a professional language personality of students. A professionally oriented language environment is defined, on the one hand, as a combination of means and technologies for collecting, accumulating, transmitting, processing and distributing educational and professionally oriented information, on the other hand, as conditions leading to the emergence and development of information interaction between the teacher, students and information and communication technologies. In this context, the specialist model serves as a unique basis for the design of the information technology support of the educational process as a whole.
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