specialist in social work; pre-school establishment; social partnership; professional communication; conditions for optimization of cooperation of specialists.Abstract
Considering the need for a substantive and technological upgrade of the social work system, which should meet the challenges of the time, to the demands of society, there is a need to find ways for its optimization, in particular, at the stage of primary socialization of the younger generation – in pre-school establishments. The proposed article elucidates the current problem of establishing a partnership, constructive professional communication between teachers of pre-school establishments and specialists in social work in the formation of a fully-developed, socially-protected pre-school child, improving cooperation with parents, preventing professional burnout of workers, etc. It presents the results of study of the existing cooperation between teachers of pre-school establishments in the process of social upbringing of children, socialpedagogical work with their parents; identifies typical drawbacks and difficulties in the activity of specialists of the mentioned sphere: lack of social pedagogues on the staff of pre-school institutions as well as resources available to them, limited nature of the stereotyped forms and methods used, weak link with social workers, etc. The reasons and consequences of reducing the educational potential of the family, the quality of communication in it, are related to the inadequate level of social experience of parents, their communicative culture; lack of readiness for a constructive dialogue with teachers and specialists in the social sphere. The authors determined the conditions for optimizing cooperation between social work specialists and teachers of pre-school establishments, which requires introduction of a social teacher’s position in the pre-school establishments; formation of positive motivation for cooperation and effective professional communication in the pedagogical and social specialists; preparation of future specialists (educators and social workers) for social partnership; diversification of technologies for such cooperation. The logic of qualitative transformation of professional cooperation between teachers of pre-school establishments and specialists in social work involves a holistic rethinking of the content and methods of their work: from the motivation, the conscious need for such interaction – to mastering the relevant tools, algorithm of activities and their creative use, which must be first and foremost provided in the process the professional training of future specialists; and continuous improvement – through the self-development of employees. The publication outlines the perspectives of solving the problem of improving the interaction of specialists in the direction of socialization of children of pre-school age, interaction, coordinating efforts of subjects of social influence, personal professional development. It reveals features of the most productive educational discourse that unites and strengthens the possibilities of innovative, integrated, contextual, active learning.
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