SOS-Children’s Village; Hermann Gmeiner; family educational model; children; custody; upbringing; universal human values.Abstract
This article describes the humanistically directed essence of the pedagogical concept of Hermann Gmeiner (1919–1986) – the founder of the first SOS Children’s Village in Imst (Austria). Attention is focused on the embodiment of the idea of family education of children in practice, difficulties and the search for ways to implement it. It was stated that there could be many reasons for the impetus for the creation of the first SOS Children’s Village: the early loss of the mother, and the fate of his younger brother Anton, who grew up without her, his sister Elsa’s care, and the fact that during the war he was saved by a Ukrainian guy, who called him a brother, and especially a meeting with a 12-year-old orphan in Innsbruck in the winter of 1947, forever left a mark on the soul of an Austrian humanist and became a turning point in his life. He built the concept of the SOS Children’s Village from his own experience. Love and security, responsibility and establishing social contacts, keeping order, openness of the SOS Children’s Village, support for children of different ages – all these are proclaimed like the values of upbringing. The wide significance of custody and upbringing of orphans and children deprived of parental care, meeting their most important physical and mental needs, promoting health and well-being, ensuring their self-realization and self-improvement are highlighted. The stages of admission of children to the SOS Children’s Village are described. H. Gmeiner was convinced that the only fair and proper thing for disadvantaged children is the creation of a «family educational model» that will be able to return not only their lost home and family, but also the ability to develop normally in conditions of security and love. Despite the crushing criticism and frank resistance of opponents, H. Gmeiner boldly defended the idea of a SOS Children’s Village, in the practical implementation of which very few people believed. The pedagogical ideas of H. Gmeiner are based on the practice pervaded by common human values (manhood, humanity, love, morality, trust, mutual understanding, etc.). Today in the SOS Children’s Village Imst there are 12 family-type homes with 42 children, function a kindergarten and a care center, which provides short-term assistance to parents in crisis situations. H. Gmeiner’s pedagogical ideas are relevant for the Ukrainian educational space, deserve a comprehensive study and further application in solving social and educational problems in Ukraine in accordance with European requirements. The idea of SOS Children’s Village as a socio-pedagogical institution can form the basis for solving the problems of guardianship and upbringing of social orphans, children deprived of parental care.
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