


corporate training, staff, professional development, principles of corporate training, corporate educational programme.


Summary. The article presents the analysis of features of personnel professional development in the context of corporate education. The need to improve the system of corporate education as a basis for improving the efficiency and quality of professional development of staff is substantiated. The article analyses domestic (O. Banit, O. Kiryanova, G. Nosulich, A. Volkovska etc.) and foreign (A. Cahir-O'Donnell, T. N. Garavan, D. McGregor, E. Hicks, S. Hogan, R. Senge etc.) scientific and pedagogical literature on the study of the essence and content of the concept of “corporate training” in the broad and narrow meanings, and relevant examples are provided. The key principles of the corporate culture of a “learning organisation” (systemic thinking, common vision, team learning, personal mastery, cognitive models) are outlined. It is determined that corporate education implements a number of functions represented by three levels – subjects of corporate training; organisations for which corporate education is an instrument of organisational change and innovation; society. The article defines the concept of “corporate education” as a process of interaction between those who teach and those who learn, organised in the interests of the organisation and its employees, which is carried out both within the organisation and outside it, aimed at solving educational tasks and ensuring professional development of personnel. The essential characteristics of corporate education are considered, the role of personal potential of staff in corporate training is emphasised. At the same time, attention is drawn to the factors that determine the possibilities of improving the quality of staff’s professional development in the corporate education system. A number of tasks facing corporate education in the context of enhancing the effectiveness of staff’s professional development are considered. It is concluded that today there is no common vision among scholars of the essence of the concept of “corporate education”, which is interpreted by the authors as a means of achieving the mission of the organisation, increasing its competitiveness; the highest degree of implementation of the staff’s professional development principle in the transition to a “learning organisation”, within which a learning culture is introduced, which uses the potential of employee development and acts as a competitive advantage of the company. It is emphasised that the purpose of corporate training is to improve the professional level of staff in order to increase their contribution to achieving maximum efficiency of the organisation.


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How to Cite

Tetiana, H., MUKAN, N., & MUKAN, O. (2024). PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF IN THE CONTEXT OF CORPORATE TRAINING. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (51), 18–24.