higher education, higher education institutions, educational process, distance learning, motivation.Abstract
Summary. The article highlights the challenges and issues facing higher education during the war. The transformation in the field of higher education is driving changes in the functioning of higher education institutions. Priority tasks include safety, adaptation of higher education institutions to the realities of war, training specialists for reconstruction and European integration, and the introduction of innovations and digitalization. Universities should strive to create a safe space where students can develop, find their place in society, and build plans for the future. The war has become a test for Ukrainian education, forcing it to adapt to new realities. Despite forced pauses, accelerated completion of the academic year, psychological stress, and physical dangers, the educational process in Ukraine has not stopped. In wartime, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, and cooperation in higher education institutions ensures successful learning and the psychological well-being of students. Such an environment allows students to feel valued, heard, and supported, which helps them cope with stress and anxiety. Distance learning plays an important role in organizing the educational process. Its advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The main aspects of motivation for learning are the development of internal and cognitive motivation. The development of distance learning is inextricably linked to the introduction of advanced information and communication technologies. In wartime, higher education institutions are shifting their focus from academic achievements to the psychological support of students and faculty. Ukrainian education has proven its ability to function and develop even during the war, which is a guarantee of its successful recovery and further development in peacetime. In the future, Ukraine should focus on overcoming the consequences of the war and forming a new vision of education, improving the quality of education, introducing innovations, and preparing young people for successful implementation in post-war Ukraine.
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