


student youth; Christian education; Christian outlook; Volhynia province; public associations; religious brotherhoods.


The article examines the main aspects of children and young people upbringing in the Christian spirit in the Volhynia province. The author analyzed a lot of archival documents. It is explained that in the schools of that region schoolchildren studied the Scripture, children were involved in church worship, pursued Christian education activities. It is substantiated that representatives of public associations and religious fraternities were involved in the education of children and young people. The role of the representatives of the Volhynian clergy in the formation of the Christian outlook of the young generation was investigated. It is explained that many scientists have studied the problem of religious education. The author analyzed in detail the works of G. Yermak, G. Kotlomanitova, I. Myshchyshyn. It has been found that the primary purpose of the spiritual institutions of the past was to form a special type of thinking ‒ the sacred one. The upbringing of children in Christian morality in Ukraine goes back to the times of Kievan Rus when in 988 Prince Vladimir proclaimed Christianity the main religion of the state. It gave a great impetus to the development of education, sciences and arts. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when the Volhynia province became a part of the Russian state the religious education, and therefore up-bringing in the spirit of Christianity, continued to develop. Orthodoxy was the main religion in the Volhynia province. The religious education was provided in class and after school. The younger generation read the Bible and books on moral and ethical topics. Students’ books had texts about compassion, charity, love and tolerance. The children sang in the church choir. The church fraternity representatives opened elementary schools and Sunday schools, held moral conversations. The largest church organizations were in Lutsk, Kremenets, and Ostroh. The Christian education is in tune with the modern humanistic orientation of the education. So the principal ways of introducing the Orthodox pedagogy into the modern educational institutions are determined in the article.


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How to Cite

KARPENKO, O. (2025). THE FORMATION OF THE CHRISTIAN OUTLOOK OF THE STUDENT YOUTH IN VOLHYNIA PROVINCE (19th ‒ early 20th century). Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (42), 113–121.