


linguistic humanitarian competence; verbal intelligence; creative intelligence; professional development; philosophical and anthropological analysis.


In the article the theoretical foundations of forming the linguistic and huma-nitarian competence of technical university students as an important factor of per-sonal development are discussed, based on the analysis of scientific sources and empirical material. The linguistic humanitarian competence of a specialist with higher technical education is defined as an integrative dynamic structural quality of a personal that combines a set of linguistic, humanitarian, communicative and socio-cultural competences, communicative and cognitive skills. It has been demonstrated that the process of personal development consists primarily in qualitative changes in mental activity, in the formation of new personality traits. The role of competence approach in the organization of the educational process in universities has been studied. The ability to solve problems that arise during the cognitive, technological and mental activities, in the spheres of ethical, social, legal, professional, personal relationships is given the priority. It has been established that the linguistic huma-nitarian practices are extremely important in the philosophical and anthropological context as one of the key factors of the personal development. Generalized charac-teristic features of different forms of intelligence are provided. It is stated that the linguistic humanitarian practices develop not only the verbal linguistic intelligence, but also the creativity, that is, the ability to use the results of different types of intelligence. The influence of the linguistic humanities on the social communica-tiveness of future specialists is highlighted, which is important for the implemen-tation of moral norms as a condition for the social adaptation of an individual. It requires improvement of the content and procedure of the educational process, the development of cognitive independence and commitment of students, the formation of self-education and self-criticism skills, as well as communication skills.


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