


education; personality; personally oriented model of education; teachers’ readiness; future teachers of elementary school.


In the article, based on the analysis of scientific sources and the results of empirical material, the theoretical principles of a personally oriented model of education have been revealed and teachers’/future teachers’ readiness for its implementation has been analysed. A personally oriented model of teaching pupils is defined as a system of organization of purposeful interaction between subjects of education, provision of conditions for self-affirmation of a pupil’s personality, a search for mechanisms of self-realization, adaptation and self-regulation on the principles of partnership pedagogy. Attributes of a personally oriented model of teaching pupils have been defined: the specifics of the educational environment, child-centeredness, reorientation of educational values, subject-subjectivity, personal effectiveness of an individual. The personally oriented approach to education has been generalized according to the following criteria: means of interaction, contact between a teacher and a pupil during the interaction, the purpose of the pedagogical interaction, peculiarities of the interaction, peculiarities of the educational process, the result of education. It has been indicated that teachers who implement a personally oriented model of education should be: humane, sincere and kind; empathetic, taking into account the social insecurity of pupils; prognostic, able to accept the position of pupils; proactive, able to realize creative ideas. Their training and retraining in institutions of higher education should be aimed at the formation of such qualities. The main methods of evaluating the level of implementation of a personally oriented model of education by teachers / future teachers are those of surveying, questionnaires and observation. It has been stated that teachers display the reproductive level of implementation of a personally oriented model of education in general secondary education institutions (according to the results of the evaluation). The generalized results of the questionnaires and surveying of teachers demonstrate that in order to effectively implement a personally oriented model of education they need to improve: practical skills; pedagogical creativity; theoretical and methodological awareness; readiness for self-improvement. The teachers lack theoretical knowledge about the implementation of a personally oriented model of education and practical skills, those of its implementation. It has been found that students – future teachers – are also not ready for the effective implementation of the model of personally oriented education (the intuitive level of readiness according to the results of the study). This calls for the improvement of the content and process of their professional training: reorganization of the system of continuous vocational and pedagogical education in the specified field; a search for innovative technologies for the formation of readiness in pedagogical students; the formation in future teachers of subjectivity, commitment to a firm personal-professional attitude, professional and personal dignity.


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