practical aspects; development of the spiritual sphere; factors; pedagogical conditions; world outlook formation; M. Shlemkevych.Abstract
The article reveals the influence of various communities on the world outlook formation in young people and pedagogical conditions for the spiritual development of Ukrainians based on the heritage of Mykola Shlemkevych, which concern the use of such methods for self-education as self-cognition, self-observation, selfassessment, self-analysis. This means that the emphasis has been placed on the person’s own participation in his/her education, thus – the research has been done on the democratic ways for the world outlook formation in every young person and expansion of his/her spiritual world. It is substantiated that the ways of establishing spiritual values and other ideals of the good, search for means of forming humanity, that is, humanization, are the basis for expanding and enriching the inner world of man, his maturing, deep penetration into the world of moral values, self-development. There have been characterized important pedagogical conditions for the world outlook formation in Ukrainians, that have been discovered in the creative heritage of M. Shlemkevych, they are – search for ways to achieve truth, happiness, harmony in the life of society and every Ukrainian, to bring them back to spirituality, to rebuild trust in one another, to defend one’s convictions, freedom of choice, faith, work of personality, which insists in applying one’s abilities and opportunities for the perfection of society and is a means of transforming the world and, at the same time, serving one another, one’s neighbour, the family, the people, and work over oneself. It is emphasized on their practical significance for the development of personality’s spirituality and improvement of Ukrainian society and their role in shaping the consciousness of the Ukrainian young man. There have been revealed the significance of faith for the process of young person’s world outlook formation and its role in consciousness formation and spiritual recovery of the Ukrainian society. A high level of perfection of human morality can be achieved through discovery of a Christian outlook, known ways of practicing in virtues (humility, forgiveness, repentance, prayer, confession, etc.). The idea of faith as a powerful incentive for the development of spiritual powers of man and human creativity provides grounds for seeking mechanisms to establish faith in the minds of young people. Effective ways of moral improvement of Ukrainians, according to M. Shlemkevych, are connected with their activity, search for truth and justice in life, and presuppose suffering, overcoming obstacles, providing a state of peace, repentance, forgiveness, and testing oneself in faith. At the same time, in order to search for truth M. Shlemkevych also recommended optimism, building up trust in Ukrainians, faith in the ideals of the good, and a better future. During the implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the world outlook formation in the Ukrainians, it is important to create the national cultural and educational environment taking into account customs and traditions, peculiarities of national communication, mentality, language, national symbols, history, religion, folklore, way of life, national art.
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