social and pedagogical support; motherhood; childhood; Ukraine.Abstract
The article outlines the origins of the history of socio-pedagogical support for motherhood and childhood in Ukraine in the context of the rise of support and mutual assistance processes in Eastern Slavic tribes back at the stage of their development corresponding to a primitive society. The historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of social and pedagogical support for motherhood and childhood in 1905–1918 is substantiated as the period of rise of social and pedagogical support for motherhood and childhood at the governmental level, which was determined by: the adoption of the first programs of state protection of motherhood and childhood; the adoption of the Law on Social Security in Case of Illness (1912); the opening of Milk Drop Offices and their structural units (Advisory Board, Social Assistance Council, Single Mother’s Home), which contributed to the development of social and pedagogical support for maternity and childhood in the sphere of health care; active activities of the Society for the Protection of Maternity and Childhood, which promoted the ideas of: the benefits of breastfeeding, the recognition of motherhood as a job that should be paid by the government, the promotion of patronage; the opening of the child care medical department within the newly formed People’s Comissariate for Health Care. It has been established that in the period under review, the governmental initiatives in the field of maternity and childhood protection were initiated, as well as mechanisms for their implementation.
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