


schools; care and educational institutions; Polish press; XIX–XX century.


On March 2, 1863, Tsar Alexander II issued an epitome on the enfranchisement peasants whose purpose was, inter alia, to pull the peasants away from the Polish Kingdom from the participation in the January Uprising, which broke out in the lands of the Russian partition in 1863. The collapse of this national-liberation spurt against the tsarist partitioner in Poland caused numerous repressions, persecution and restrictions in the social, economic and cultural life or educational. An example of this was the withdrawal of the Polish language from the general usage among others in the offices and schools and the substitution him in Russian. In the Polish Kingdom, strict concession’s system orders were imposed for publishing the press and filling the editors of the new the uprising periodicals. For example, a socalled position of a responsible editor was created who was responsible for his press crimes title. It was also difficult to launch a new magazine, because it depended on the consent of the Press Committee in St. Petersburg. Earlier, however it was necessary to apply for the support of the Governor-General of Warsaw. The development of the press in the Polish Kingdom was also limited by the introduced on 17 September 1869, preventive censorship, which prevented the free information flow from the publisher to the reader. In such difficult times there has been an appearance on the publishing and publishing house’s market of Warsaw, which was the capital of the Polish Kingdom, the new weekly magazine «Home Newspaper». The periodical was published regularly from January to December 1904, and its editor was known Warsaw’s journalist Feliks Fryze (1843–1907). Although as you could find out from the first issue of the weekly magazine, it had a practical character, it is still the case today that it may be a valuable source for research into education, upbringing and looking after children, young people and adults. On its pages we can information about the creation and functioning of the new school facilities: female schools, household schools, the Artistic School for Women, School of the Fine Arts in Warsaw and even School of the Political Sciences in Lviv. It was written about the organized reading, writing and arithmetic teaching courses for the craftsmen or workers which were held the most often in the evening after their work ended. Some attention of «Home Newspaper » also devoted to the issues of caring and educational. She informed readers about organized for children from the poor Warsaw workers’ families of the summer and medical colonies, where they could rest in the bosom of the nature and strengthen the body. Children were sick for the rickets were sent at the expense of the public charity organizations to the health resort in Ciechocinek. Teachers from the Polish Kingdom owned also the holiday homes in Zakopane, Warsaw and Zielonka; in addition, a health resort in Zakopane was established for them. Among other things, it was written about the activity of the Warsaw Christian Society for the Protection of Women, which act was approved on December 10, 1903. The society provided the necessary assistance to young single travelling women and teenage girls from the provinces who came to Warsaw in looking for a job so that they would have not become victims of the so-called «life traders». It also tried to guarantee them them the accommodation, work and even to teach them a profession. «Home Newspaper» also reported about many other organizations of the care and education, including for the servants or teenage boys from the poor families.


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How to Cite

KRASIŃSKA, I. (2025). EDUCATION, UPBRINGING AND CARE ON THE BANDS «HOME NEWSPAPER» (1904‒1906). Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (41), 132–148.