


work; value; activity; education; freedom; responsibility; dignity.


The world of a man is the world of values. Their cognition takes place in activities that correspond to the level of development of each person, his life experience, the acquired knowledge system, etc., and therefore is an extremely individuallized process. The world of values of each person develops along with the person throughout his life. It takes place in the process of socialization, due to the activity the person is involved in, and which contributes to creating wealth and at the same time developing his own axiological consciousness. The purpose of the article is an interdisciplinary analysis of the essential characteristics of the value of «work», which is the precondition for a successful educational effect on the personality in the context of his moral formation. The article states that value is a meaningful category, which was interpreted by various sciences: philosophy, culturology, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, etc. The definitions of the category of «value» in the named sciences are given. Their generalization made it possible to state that values are defined by them as: 1) those that exist in materialistic and unsubstantial objects; 2) peculiar to a person, while their source is person’s needs; 3) orientation points for human activity. Modern society is a complex system of human relationships. Therefore, in such circumstances, the role of ethical rules, that would facilitate and regulate the functioning of people and their interaction, increases. It should be understood that within a society, people are united in different communities: family, sociable, professional, etc. All of them are extremely significant, because they can promote both social progress and regression. The ethical value peculiar to all these groups is the value of «work». The characteristic features of the work as a form of activity and a value has been provided. The interconnection of the work and a person’s life purpose has been established. It has been indicated that the work is equally useful for both an individual and a society as a whole. Due to the work, the person self-improves, develops the will, endurance, self-control and creative abilities, receives material and spiritual means to meet his own needs, etc. The purpose of the work is also the realization of tasks important for the development of society and the environment in which a person operates. The work is expressed through human activity and leads to changes in its environment. Therefore, labor is closely connected with a person who, being its creator, gives it certain properties. It has been established that the main properties of the work as a value are its dignity, freedom, responsibility, etc. Taking into account these peculiarities of the work in the educational process ensures the effectiveness in the formation of such personality traits as diligence, which is an important characteristic of the human moral.


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How to Cite

PAHUTA, M. (2025). WORK AS AN AXIOLOGICAL CATEGORY. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (41), 149–160.