


aesthetic upbringing; out-of-class educational work; forms of out-ofclass educational work; artistic and aesthetic activities; teenagers.


The article highlights the essence of aesthetic education of teenagers as a process of integral formation of spirituality, perception and understanding of beauty, upbringing of humanistic qualities in schoolchildren, responsible attitude to beauty as well as the ability to feel and create beauty Upbringing by beauty and through beauty contributes to the formation of not only the aesthetic-value orientation of the individual, but also contributes to the development of creative abilities, the ability to create aesthetic values in various fields of activities, life, actions, behavior, and certainly in art. It is clarified that significant opportunities for the implementation of the teenagers’ aesthetic upbringing tasks are provided by out-of-class educational work, which expands the educational prospects of the school in this direction, providing a wide range of content, forms, methods and means of artistic-aesthetic development of students in their spare time, alternativeness in meeting their needs, interests, cognitive abilities and opportunities. Aesthetic and artistic direction of out-of-class educational work directed on formation of aesthetic culture, spiritual enrichment, expanding worldview, the desire to make the beautiful in life, to increase cultural and artistic heritage of the people are the most important things to implement the tasks of aesthetic upbringing. It is proved that the main forms of aesthetic upbringing in out-of-class educational work are cultural and art festivals and competitions, lectures, seminars, folklore and ethnographic explorations and expeditions; meetings with artists, poets and writers of native land. Attention is focused on the importance of creating study groups in schools; centers of aesthetic upbringing, where students would have the opportunity to engage in studios, creative associations, groups of folk and spiritual singing groups, amateur talent groups. At the same time, the development and implementation of aesthetic upbringing projects have educational effect, as well as the organization and equipping of local history museums, exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, scientific and technical works, the works of students in the Minor Academy of arts.


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