writing, calligraphy, graphic skills, methods of studies, calligraphic minutes, elementary school.Abstract
Abstract. The article analyzes and generalizes methodological, psycho-logical, hygienic features teaching writing; the basic methods of teaching first-graders writing; unconventional methods of preparing the child for hand wri-ting. It proposes the system of exercises to build calligraphic skills and first-six-year guidelines for the conduct of calligraphic minutes at the Ukrainian lessons in 2‒4 classes of primary school; experimentally tested the effecti-veness of the skills calligraphic writing of elementary school students. The purpose of the article is to reveal theoretical and methodological foundations of writing skills among students of modern elementary school. One of the main tasks of the Ukrainian language lessons in elementary clas-ses is the formation of a beautiful, precise, calligraphic and spelling-friendly letter from the junior pupils. Learning to write six-year first-graders should be made taking into account age, physiological capabilities of children, and their psychological features. The process of writing consists of a number of skills. The problem of writing first-graders is always relevant. In order to increase the effectiveness of left-handed training, the right side of the right hemisphere should be addressed as often as possible in order to better utilize the pecu-liarities inherent to it. The attitude of the teacher towards the development of the left-handed children and the observance of these guidelines will not cause great problems while studying the letter if there is no right-handed retraining. Conversion of the left arm without a preliminary examination by the doctor often leads to a violation of the functional state of the neuro-psychic sphere. Such a condition is no longer subject to medical-pedagogical correction and requires serious and long-lasting treatment. The process of teaching children of calligraphic writing should be based on strong teacher’s scientific, methodological and psychological knowledge, since the effectiveness of the language education of students in the secondary school depends on the level of formation of the skills of calligraphy writing in junior pupils.
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