

women’s organizations, women-teachers, Ukrainian schooling, folk schools, gymnasia, kindergartens.


Abstract. Based on the analysis of the legislative-normative base and statistical data, the article studies the process of the formation of Ukrainian schooling in Galicia at the end of the nineteenth and first third of the twen-tieth century. It was emphasized that its development within the limits of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland was limited to both socio-economic and political factors, which disturb the Ukrainian educated public, in particular the organizers of the women’s movement. On the basis of the logical-historical analysis, the preconditions for the deployment of the active activities of women’s associations, the prominent figures of the women’s movement in the area of Ukrainian schooling in Gali-cia, are identified. Among the most significant were: unsatisfactory organiza-tion of school education for girls within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which were found to be lacking in popular schools, in particular, girls’ longevity, low attendance, limited co-ordination; the level of educational process in the exis-ting state women’s elementary schools is lower than in males, and their pre-dominantly anti-Ukrainian character; the official limitation of women’s secon-dary and higher education; the absence of Ukrainian institutions for vocatio-nal education of women’s youth, and the anti-Ukrainian nature of pre-school and out-of-school education in the province. It is proved that certain preconditions became the basis for forming the main directions of pedagogical activity, which concerned, first of all, the par-ticipation of women-ukrainians in the development of the network of Ukrai-nian private women’s elementary schools, out-of-school and preschool educa-tional institutions. Participation of Ukrainian women in the establishment of the system of national schooling in the region served as confirmation of the evolutionary processes in the women’s movement, which went from separate educational measures among its members to active systematic pedagogical and educatio-nal work in the broad masses of the population. It was noted that the Ukrainian women’s movement in Galicia during the period under study expressed the actual pedagogical problems that were in sight of the entire Galician community: the preservation of the physical, spiritual and moral health of the Ukrainian people in the absence of their own state and the training of younger generations to participate in the revival and reconstruction of independent Ukraine.


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How to Cite

IVAKH, S. (2025). PRECURSES OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY OF REPRESENTATIVES OF WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIAN SCHOOLING IN HALYCHCHYNA (end of the XIX – the first third of the twentieth century). Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (39), 85–103. Retrieved from