Nataliya Mukan

Nataliya Mukan
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor, Head of Foreign Languages Department

Scientific interests: comparative pedagogy, professional development of teachers, higher education.



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Mukan N., Shyika J., Shyika O. The development of bilingual education in Canada. Advanced education. 2017. № 8. Pp. 35-40. DOI: (Web of Science)

Mukan N., Noskova M., Baibakova I. The formation of school principals’ readiness to use internet technologies in their work in the system of continuous pedagogical education. Science and Education. 2017. № 4. Pp. 123-132. DOI: (Web of Science)

Mukan N., Fuchyla O. Functional literacy learning in the system of adult education in Belgium. Advanced education. № 6. Pp. 34-39. DOI: (Web of Science)

Mukan N., Kobryn N. Theoretical framework for studying medical informatics education development. The Actual Problems of the World Today. 2019. Vol. 2. London: Sciemcee Publishing. Pp. 99-113.

Mukan N., Zapotichna M. The development of indigenous people education in Canada: theoretical and methodological framework. The Actual Problems of the World Today. 2019. Vol. 2. London: Sciemcee Publishing. Pp. 152-164.

Mukan N., Baybakova I. British Council “English for universities” project in Ukraine: experience of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Traditional approach and new perspectives in teaching foreign languages. Studium Języków Obcych Politechniki Śląskiej. Poland: Gliwice, 2018. Pp. 101-112.

Mukan N., Myskiv I., Zapotichna M. The specificity of educational programs for Canadian indigenous children in the period of early childhood. Youth & market. 2018. № 6 (161). Pp. 36-40. DOI:

Mukan N., Zapotichna M. Schooling organization of aboriginal children in Canada. Human Studies. Series of «Pedagogy». 2017. Vol. 4/36. Pp. 177-185. DOI:

Mukan N., Fuchyla O., Ihnatiuk H. Constructivist approach in a paradigm of public school teachers’ professional development in Great Britain, Canada, the USA. Comparative Professional Pedagogy. 2017. 7 (2). Pp. 7-12. DOI:

Mukan N., Kravets S., Myskiv I. The model of unification and the model of diversification of public school teachers’ continuing professional development. Comparative Professional Pedagogy. 2016. № 6 (2). Pp. 7-13. DOI: