


children of pre-school age; speech and linguistic readiness for study at school; speech development; speech abilities; linguistic development; communicativeness


The article analyzes the content of training of children in pre-school educational institutions regarding the problem of forming speech and linguistic readiness for study. It is determined that special readiness for study at school means readiness for the acquisition of the educational program in certain disciplines, which envisages a set of specific knowledge, abilities and skills or the prerequisites for their mastery. The specifics and conditions of formation of speech and linguistic readiness of pre-schoolers for study at school have been cleared out. It is determined that linguistic development is connected not only with the preparation for the study of reading and writing, but it takes place in inextricable unity with the development of speech throughout the pre-school period, and not only in the elderly age; it promotes the educational interest in the phenomena of language, develops speech and linguistic abilities of the child. Based on the subjective-activity approach, it is assumed that the core of the model of speech and linguistic development is the dynamic structure of empathy of the child’s relationship and the closest socio-cultural environment, which together make up various children and adults communities (in the first place, children-parents and children-pedagogues) who aspire to achieve the level of the collective subject. The interconnected complex of these subjects carries out system-forming, mediated and compensatory functions in relation to various bio-social and cultural influences on children’s speech. This approach to the problem can overcome the principle of immediacy in the study of various socio-cultural factors of speech and linguistic development of the child. The analysis of studies on the development of speech of pre-school children, in particular, diary entries, has helped to identify a conditional standard for the assimilation of a child of the preschool age of the native language. The conclusions about contemporary notions about pre-school children’s ontogenesis have been formulated. It is proved that the sensory information complex consists of auditory, visual and tactile images, which, in addition, amplifying each other, increase the number of useful signals, expand the speech space, which, in turn, helps to limit the choices when choosing the adequate speech sample during the perception, recognition and awareness of spoken language. For the assimilation by children the elements of the language system influence the following factors, namely: dependence on the simplicity or complexity of the language phenomenon and the degree of its communicative significance. It is determined that «speech and linguistic readiness for study at school» is an integral entity represented by a set of personal-purposeful, substantive and procedural components that enable the pre-school child to effectively perform the function of the subject of educational activity at school. It is concluded that the formation of speech and linguistic readiness of preschool children for study at school is considered through the prism of its interconnections with the components of the external and internal structures of the educational process in the institution of pre-school education. It is reasonable to introduce a wider use of the term «linguistic development of pre-schoolers» in the integrated educational programs.


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