


success; successful personality of junior school age pupils; successful activity; pedagogy of success; school of first degree; preparation of future masters; key competencies; pedagogy of heart


Based on the study of scientific sources, analysis of empirical researches, the article substantiates theoretical and methodological principles of the preparation of future specialists of elementary education to the formation of a successful personality of junior schoolchildren in the context of the requirements of the new State Standard of Elementary Education. It is shown that the formation of key competences for pupils of elementary school age is a prerequisite for the upbringing of a successful child in the primary school. The emphasis is on praxeological, technological, humanistic, systemic approaches to the training of primary education specialists. The integrated course «Organization of successful activity» taught at the institutions of higher pedagogical education has proved its expediency and effectiveness. It combines knowledge on pedagogy, psychology, praxeology, philosophy, biology, sociology, history of the peculiarities of the formation of the personality of progress. The article studies experience of teaching this course in the Master’s program of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University and substantiates the necessity of preparing future teachers in two directions: formation of a successful personality of the future specialist of elementary education and mastering the method of formation of a successful student. It also covers the forms, methods, and means of child upbringing that achieve the goals in the chosen activity (course of classes «Climb to the peak of success»; use of games, exercises, review and analysis of films about successful people with disabilities; multimedia presentations on the success of children from long families, orphans). The training of future masters of elementary education to the formation of a successful personality of a student in the first grade school is shown schematically as well as the related problems of such training. The authors analyze the results of pedagogical measurements of students’ readiness for upbringing of a successful student and the level of the future teacher’s success. Positive experience of studying the subject «Organization of successful activity» is elucidated (student’s definition of life goals in accordance with the requirements for goal-formation, mastering of methods and technologies for overcoming obstacles, achievement of success, development of a desire for self-development, increase of the coefficient of success, creative performance of one’s work). It is necessary to achieve internal harmony in the process of implementation of goals. The article also determines promising directions of application of positive ideas in the modern educational space: introduction of special educational courses on praxeological training of future teachers; mastering students’ technology in solving life problems and their implementation in primary education institutions; the introduction of cardiac pedagogy in the curriculum of elementary and primary school.


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