


scientific picture of the world; world outlook; junior pupils; teacher training; postgraduate education; self-education; integrity of knowledge


The article substantiates the problem of teachers’ postgraduate training through the forming of junior pupils’ scientific picture of the world. The analysis of publications devoted to this research and similar topics made it possible to state that in contemporary literature there are a lack of significant works on the abovementioned question. To solve the problem, we analyzed its theoretical aspects, identified methods, specified pedagogical conditions, implementation of which can ensure the readiness of primary school teachers to form pupils’ scientific picture of the world. The article clarifies the essence of «the junior pupils՚ scientific view of the world» concept and characterizes the features of its formation. To realize these features, the teacher of elementary school should create a favorable environment for individual development of schoolchildren in primary school, organize various types of integrated educational and cognitive activities, in particular creative, research, labor, etc.; to implement the principle of the nature compliance in order to take into account the age peculiarities of junior pupils; be able to find effective forms and methods of optimizing the educational process; to provide the development of cognitive mental processes for the development of which the junior school age is a sensitive period (perception, memory, imagination, attention, speech, thinking). After analyzing the possibilities of the postgraduate pedagogical education system in solving the above-mentioned tasks, we defined the stages of appropriate specialists training, which include the coursework, between the course periods and the self-education of teachers, the systematic work during which the readiness to perform such activity is determined. The structural components of readiness are motivational, cognitive, activity, reflexive and corrective; their content is described in the publication. On the basis of developed criteria and levels of teachers’ readiness formation to solve this educational task (high, medium, low), its pedagogical diagnostics was carried out, after which the efficiency and effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions substantiated by authors were experimentally tested. Thus, we determined the pedagogical conditions of postgraduate teacher training to the forming of junior pupils’ scientific picture of the world, namely: the motivation of primary schools teachers in this direction of pedagogical activity; mastering theoretical knowledge about the essence of key concepts and forming of junior pupils’ scientific picture of the world peculiarities; formation of the necessary skills for the teachers; improvement of reflexive skills and working skills to adjust further work taking into account the results obtained, were recognized effective.


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