


volunteer; volunteer; Projektor – student volunteering; students; development; the potential of society


Time of study is a period of acquiring knowledge, skills, collecting experience and practice, and so everything that is defined as competence. Due to the dynamics of the modern labor market, students are required to undertake various activities that will positively influence the career path. It is essential that the graduate of higher education does not feed the ranks of the unemployed. Relatively high competition, a high number of people holding diplomas at various universities should encourage students to look for alternative paths of development opportunities, shaping their passions and acquiring diverse competences. All this is possible with the Projector Program – student volunteering. As the name suggests, it is a program whose leading idea is volunteering. The aim of the presented article is to approximate the assumptions of the Projektor Program – student volunteering as a form of unusual activity that provides a range of opportunities for participants. This is an undertaking undertaken in cooperation with the Polish-American Freedom Foundation, which is the founder of activities. The program covered all of Poland with its reach, involving students, children, youth, teachers and entire schools. It fits in with the assumptions of shaping a civil society as an expression of the social potential of Poles, in this case people at the age of adolescence. It is an example of activation while promoting activities to counteract the exclusion of children and young people from rural and provincial areas. This task is carried out through the development of passion, interests and discovering the talents of all involved parties. Volunteers, which are usually students, stimulate younger children to strengthen their potentials, and they also intensify their activities on organizational and managerial issues. This kind of activity in the environment of rural and provincial schools brings a number of benefits. In addition to the possibilities of acquiring knowledge from new fields, or expanding the existing one, it seems to be important to promote active social attitudes among young people, develop passions and realize own ideas, increase the attractiveness of school activities for students (both current and future), that is, enriching the offer of extra-curricular activities in the institution, discovering young talents, and how important it is to awaken the passion for general science. The great advantage of the program is the opportunity to see interesting experiences, take advantage of the rich base of educational materials of the Program.


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