foreign language education; multicultural education; bilingual education; multilingual education; mother tongue; foreign language; second language.Abstract
The article analyzes the modern scientific discourse on understanding the phenomenon of foreign language education. An interpretation of concepts and terms defining the modern terminology of foreign language learning, such as “bilingualism”, “multilingualism”, “multicultural education”, “bilingual education”, “mother tongue”, “foreign language”, “second language”, “Foreign language”, etc. is generalized. It has been found that the authorship of the term “foreign language education” belongs to E. Passov, who introduced it into scientific circulation in the second half of the 1990s in the context of actualizing the personality-oriented education paradigm. The linguist argued that this term should replace the notion of “learning a foreign language”, because modern people must learn not only the language of a particular people and country, but also their culture. It is shown that the term “foreign language culture” is to some extent artificially internalized into the theory and practice of the Ukrainian pedagogical science, since its correspondence in the formulation of “foreign language education” has not been found in the English language literature. Instead, it includes the term “language education” to refer to the theory and practice of acquisition of a second or foreign language. The contribution of Ukrainian and foreign teachers and linguists to the development of the theoretical and methodological aspects of foreign language culture has been determined. The main interpretations of this phenomenon in the pedagogical literature have been presented. It is shown that the term “foreign language education” has become widely used in the Ukrainian pedagogical science, in particular it is actively used in the works on its development in Ukraine and foreign countries. The definition of the foreign language education as a specifically organized pedagogical process of teaching, upbringing and development of the student’s personality on the basis of the content and means of the discipline “foreign language” has been suggested. Based on the analysis of pedagogical and linguistic literature, the essential characteristics of the phenomenon of “foreign language education” in the aspects of its integrity, axiological orientation, instrumentality, effectiveness and efficiency have been demonstrated. The following basic structural components of the foreign language education have been distinguished and characterized: episte-mological (knowledge of the country’s culture and languages); educational (language knowledge and skills as a means of communication); developmental (the psychological and mental characteristics of native speakers and the cultural values of a particular country); educational (the pedagogical content of a foreign-language culture, concerning its moral, ethical, aesthetic and other aspects).
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