


Kostiantyna Malytska; social and educational activity; pedago-gical activity; literary activity; female activist.


The article substantiates the importance of the family environment (the mother’s social activity; the father’s writing talent) and the socio-cultural conditions (formation of the world outlook in the conditions of activization of the social and political life in all Ukrainian lands) as determinants of Kostiantyna Malytska’s becoming a social figure, writer and educator. Three stages are distinguished (Halych, Bukovyna, Lviv), her public-educational, pedagogical and literary activity at each of them has been characterized. It has been stated that the pedagogical activity included: teaching in Halych, Luzhany near Chernivtsi, in Lviv and Krasnoyarsk; and organizational activity – heading the first Ukrainian Shevchenko RTS Girls’ School in Lviv, establishment of the first Ukrainian Kotlyarevsky National School in Krasnoyarsk, etc. It has been determined that the main spheres of the public and educational activity of Kostiantyna Malytska were: organization and active participation in women’s and public associations of the region (foundation of the Prosvita reading rooms, Women’s Associations in different cities of the region, Anna Barvinok Circle in Lviv; a close cooperation with the first Ukrainian preschool society “Ukrainian Kindergarten”, with “Prosvita”, the P. Mohyla Scientific Society). The analysis of the literary heritage of Kostiantyna Malytska shows that in numerous stories on educational topics, scientific research and popular science articles, she not only showed the real state of Ukrainian schooling within the Austro-Hungarian and Polish states, but also theoretically substantiated the conceptual foundations of the mother-tongue national school, formulated its purpose, tasks, the content of education, requirements to the teacher.


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How to Cite

IVAKH, S. (2024). THE SOCIAL, EDUCATIONAL AND TEACHING ACTIVITY OF KOSTIANTYNA MALYTSKA. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (42), 35–46.